Serjeant 7312 Tom Sargeant

 Sargeant Thomas 96 443x600Sargeant Thomas 96 391x600

Killed in Action on Sunday, 30th July 1916, age 27.
Buried in Grave I. L. 42. at Albert Communal Cemetery Extension, Somme, France.

10th Bn., Royal Warwickshire Regiment. 57th Brigade of 19th Division.

Son of William and Elizabeth Sargeant, of 25 Railway Street, Horseley Heath, Tipton, Staffs.
Born: Lapley, Staffs, Enlisted: West Bromwich, Resident: Tipton.

First landed France & Flanders, 18th July 1915.
Medal entitlement: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Soldier's Papers at National Archives did not survive.

Commemorated on the Horseley Heath Post Office Memorial.
Commemorated here because he appears on a Tipton memorial.

Link to Commonwealth War Graves Site:

Genealogical Data

Birth of Tom Sargeant registered December quarter 1889 in Cannock.

1891 Census
The Homage, High Street, Wheaton Aston, Staffs.
William Sargeant, (36, Shoemaker, born Wheaton Aston), his wife Elizabeth (34, born Lapley), and their 2 children: George Harry (4, Scholar, born Wheaton Aston), and Tom (1, born Wheaton Aston).

1901 Census
37 Railway Street, Tipton, Staffs.
William Sargeant (46, Shoemaker, born Wheaton Aston), his wife Elizabeth (43, born Wheaton Aston), and their 6 children: George H. (14, Office Boy, born Wheaton Aston), Tom (11, born Wheaton Aston), Alice (8, born Wheaton Aston), Charles H. (5, born Wheaton Aston), Harold J. (3, born Wheaton Aston), and Winifred S. (7 months, born Tipton).

1911 Census
25 Railway Street, Tipton, Staffs.
William Sargeant (56, Bootmaker, born Lapley), his wife Elizabeth (53, born Bradley), and their 6 children: George Harry (24, Fitter, born Lapley), Tom (21, Postman, born Lapley), Alice (18, born Lapley), Charles Hadley (15, Moulder, born Lapley), Harold John (13, Assisting in the Business (Bootmaking), born Lapley), Winifred Susie (10, born Tipton).

Personal Data

According to Tom Sargeant's "Lett's Soldier's Own Notebook & Diary" for 1915, he was 5 feet 8 inches tall, weighed 11 stones, had a 15-inch collar, and size 8 boots. His home address was 25 Railway Street, Tipton.

After Tom's death, his outstanding army pay and allowances amounted to £20/6/2d (20 pounds, 6 shillings and 2 pence); this was paid to his mother and sole legatee, Elizabeth, in December 1916. His War Gratuity was £11/10/0d (11 pounds and ten shillings), this was also paid to his mother in September 1919. The value of the War Gratuity suggests that Tom had enlisted in approximately August 1914.

Tom’s mother, Mrs Elizabeth Sargeant of 25 Station Road, Tipton, was awarded a Dependant’s Pension of 8/6d (8 shillings and 6 pence) per week, effective from 22nd May 1918.

Probate over Tom’s estate was granted to his mother, Mrs Elizabeth Sargeant: "Sargeant Tom of 25 Railway Street Tipton Staffordshire, died 30 July 1916 in France Administration (with Will) Lichfield 23 October to Elizabeth Sargeant (wife of Thomas Sargeant). Effects £65/6/2d."

Action resulting in his death

The 10th Royal Warwicks were in 19th (Western) Division and although they were not involved in the First Day of the Somme, still had 120 men and 12 Officers killed in the month of July 1916. These were predominantly on the 3rd at La Boisselle, and the 23rd and 30th at Bazentin-le-Petit.

The War Diary for the 29th / 30th describes the unsuccessful attack made by the 10th Warwicks from Bazentin-le-Petit towards High Wood. The failure was in large part because of their late arrival at the jumping-off point. This meant that they “lost” the barrage, which had advanced ahead of the Warwicks.

It would be easy to assume that this was how Tom Sargeant was wounded, but a fortuitous detail in a book published 94 years after Tom’s death revealed the truth.

Lt. Charles Lander was a young junior officer in the 10th Royal Warwicks, a native of Birmingham. During the war he kept a diary which he used to write a private memoir in 1920. As he never intended this for publication, he used real names and places. Lander’s family realised the significance of this manuscript memoir and it was published in 2010 as “Lander’s War”, a fine book.

The following extract from “Lander’s War” gives the circumstances of Tom Sargeant’s death on 30th July 1916.
"JULY 29th 1916
On the afternoon 29/7/16, Capt. (acting Lt. Colonel) Dekayne led the battalion into action again; up to the old spot, Bazentin le Petit, to try again to take the German intermediate line. We all spent the night in the trenches we had started to dig on the morning of 24/7/16. Battalion H.Q. was situated in a bit of trench at the side of the road about 8.b.6.4. (Editor: About 200 yards north of Bazentin cemetery towards the Wallace Crucifix).

H.Q. came in for a hell of a shelling about midnight and having so little cover we consequently suffered heavily. The companies further forward suffered little, which was fortunate as their morale was not affected for the work they had to do the following evening. I lost my signal sergeant (Sgt Sargeant) and a number of other good lads. The sergeant had both his thighs smashed by a shell burst; we got him away on a stretcher, he was quite cheerfully smoking a fag, but passed away on the way down."

So, Tom was gravely wounded by a German shell landing on the Battalion HQ where he was based. He was evacuated to Albert where a number of Field Ambulances were stationed. According to Lander’s book, he did not survive that journey and died from his wounds on 30th July. He is buried in Albert Communal Cemetery Extension.

Newspaper Cuttings

Letter (thought to be) from Charlie Bassett to Mrs Sargeant
Dear Mrs Sargeant
Just a few lines in reply to George's letter, I received a few days ago. I sincerely hope you are feeling better now than when he wrote. I know it must have been a terrible blow to you when you heard about poor Tom. I did not write direct to you as I know how great the shock must have been. I know no words of mine can console but try and look on the bright side of your great trouble. Personally I have lost my best chum and only myself knows how much I will miss him. He was always a gentleman and played his part nobly and well. Tom and myself were chatting with an old Tiptonian the night before he was killed. I heard just that he was wounded and I tried hard to find him. The next day I woke early to make enquiries but only to hear that he was dead. So he could not have been wounded for more than a day. All that was possible was done to save him, but poor Tom was too far gone. I am taking steps to find out where the was buried and depend upon it I will see that his grave is kept alright for you. Cheer up Mrs Sargeant, and remember that Tom died as he would have wished, doing his duty to protect his loved ones at home. I cannot say much more but if there is anything that I can do or you, I shall be only too pleased to do so. That God will be with you and the dear ones who mourn Tom's death, is the prayer of
yours very respectfully

Letter to brother from Cpl 5719 E R Llewellyn (This is Cpl Ernest R Llewellyn who first arrived in France on 18/7/15 and survived the war)
I expect you will hear before your return/receive this of your brother's sad end, and it is with my deepest sympathy that I write these few lines for myself and the signallers as we were old chums. Tom was with the rest of Headquarters signallers early Sunday morning last when a shell burst near, your brother was badly wounded, I was buried myself but luckily did not get hit. Although Tom was hit badly he was very brave and stuck it well and even managed to light a cigarette. He was got quickly away to the first aid, and I am sure that everything that could possibly be done for him was done, and we all hoped he would pull through alright. But we were all very sorry to hear, two days later that he had died. I am sure your ma and dad and you have my own and all the chap's deepest sympathy in your bereavement. We shall all miss him as he was always good and cheerful under all circumstances. I am answering your letter of the 31st which you enclosed in the parcel, which I opened and shared the contents with the chaps. My address is 5719 HQ Company. I am always yours sincerely
Cpl E R LLewllyn