Private 11693 David Round

Round David 96 408x600Round David 96 401x600

Killed in Action on Saturday, 25th September 1915, age 24.
Buried in Grave II. E. 13. at Guards Cemetery, Windy Corner, Cuinchy, Pas De Calais, France.

2nd Bn., Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry. 5th Brigade of 2nd Division.

Husband of Mrs Florence Round, of 3 Vicarage Road, Hall End, West Bromwich.
Born: Tipton, Enlisted: West Bromwich, Resident: Unknown.

First landed France & Flanders, 26th May 1915.
Medal entitlement: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Soldier's Papers at National Archives did not survive.

Not commemorated on any Tipton memorial.
Commemorated here because identified as Tipton on 'Soldiers Died in the Great War'.

Link to Commonwealth War Graves Site:

Genealogical Data

Birth of David Round registered March quarter 1891 in Dudley.

1901 Census
37 Cleton Street, Dudley Port, Tipton, Staffs .
David Round (44, General Hawker, born Tipton), his wife Phoebe (42, born Tipton), and their children: Harriet (18, born Tipton), Richard (15, born Tipton), James (12, born Tipton), David (10, born Tipton), Elizabeth (6, born Tipton), and Mary (1, born Tipton).

Marriage of David Round and Florence Violet Woodbine registered March quarter 1909 in West Bromwich. Daughter Florence was born Sept quarter 1908.

1911 Census
8 King Street, West Bromwich, Staffs.
Lodging with Mr Thomas Williams & family were:
David Round (21, Coal Miner - Loader, born Horseley Heath), his wife Florrie (22, born West Bromwich) and their child Florrie (2 years, born West Bromwich).

Personal Data

None Available.

Action resulting in his death

The2nd Ox & Bucks were part of 5th Brigade of 2nd Division, positioned just to the north of the La Bassée canal. They were part of a diversionary raid near Givenchy 30 minutes before the main Battle of Loos attacks were to commence further south. They passed the empty German 1st line trenches but were to meet strong machine gun fire at the 2nd line trenches, and were then counter-attacked whilst taking cover. Before 10.00am, the remnants of 5th Brigade were back in their own trench line having lost over 900 men.

David Round was killed in action on this day, and is buried at Guards Cemetery, Windy Corner, Cuinchy.

Significant detail can be found at (link worked November 2019)

Newspaper Cuttings

Midlands Chronicle October 1915
Private David Round, of 3 Vicarage Road, Hall End, West Bromwich, was killed in action on September 25th, in the big advance, and his wife has this week received official intimation of his death.
Private Round, who was well known in the Hall End district, enlisted on the 31st December 1914, in the Oxford and Bucks Light Infantry. He has been in the trenches in France since May, a period of about 5 months. He was shot whilst advancing near the German barbed wire, and his death was instantaneous. Mrs Round, who is left with two children, has received a kind letter of sympathy from the companions of her husband in the trenches, and also a Royal message of sympathy.