Private 15109 Leonard Lloyd
Killed in Action on Saturday, 23rd June 1917, age 19.
Buried in Grave II. B. 2. at Croisilles Railway Cemetery, Pas De Calais, France.
1st Bn., South Staffordshire Regiment. 91st Brigade of 7th Division.
Formerly 15109 7th Bn., South Staffordshire Regiment.
Son of Joseph and Emily Lloyd, of 33, Castle Rd., Tipton, Staffs.
Born: Dudley, Enlisted: Tipton, Resident: Tipton.
First landed France & Flanders, 21st July 1915.
Medal entitlement: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Soldier's Papers at National Archives did not survive.
Commemorated on the St. Matthew's Memorial.
Commemorated here because he appears on a Tipton memorial.
Link to Commonwealth War Graves Site:
Genealogical Data
Birth of Leonard Lloyd registered June quarter 1898 in Dudley.
1901 Census
28 High Street, Tipton, Staffs.
Joseph Lloyd (38, Grocer on own account from this address, born Dudley), his wife Emily (40, born Dudley), and their 7 children: Mary A. (15, born Willenhall), Frederick (14, born Birmingham), Vincent (12, born Longton), William (10, born Wolverhampton), Emily (8, born Wolverhampton), May (5, born Dudley), and Leonard (3, born Dudley).
1911 Census
28 High Street, Tipton, Staffs.
Joseph Lloyd (48, Grocer on own account, born Cradley), his wife Emily (50, born Dudley), and their 7 children: Mary (25, born Willenhall), Frederick (24, Shop Assistant - Grocery, born Birmingham), Vincent (22, Shop Assistant - Grocery, born Longton), William (20, Shop Assistant - Grocery, born Wolverhampton), Emily (18, born Wolverhampton), May (15, Student, born Dudley), and Leonard (13, Pattern Making Assistant, born Dudley).
Personal Data
Leonard was the son of the magnificently named Joseph Frederick Handel Cutler Lloyd, and the youngest brother of Frederick Handel Lloyd who was killed in April 1918. Both brothers are commemorated on St. Matthew's Memorial, but not the Tipton Library Memorial.
After Leonard's death, his outstanding army pay and allowances amounted to £4/6/10d (4 pounds,6 shillings and 10 pence); his War Gratuity was £12/10/0d (12 pounds and 10 shillings). These payments, identified in the Soldier's Effects papers, were not paid out as the authorities were unable to identify the location of the Next of Kin - his father Joseph. The 'undisposed balance' was advertised in the London Gazette, but there is no evidence that it was ever claimed. The value of the War Gratuity suggests that Leonard had enlisted in approximately October 1914. This suggests that Leonard was just 16 years old when he enlisted.
Pension Records exist to show that Mrs Lloyd (mother) claimed a Dependant's Pension in relation to her 2 sons. Records were being kept into the 1930s suggesting a pension was awarded but the value of this pension is not recorded.
Action resulting in his death
There were only 2 men from the 1st South Staffs killed in June 1917, both recorded by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission on the 23rd June. These men were Pte. Lloyd (Tipton) and Pte. Cook (Gt Bridge). The War Diary has one man killed on June 22nd and another on June 23rd. A letter to Pte. Lloyd's parents mentions "..met his death on June 24th whilst proceeding to the trenches..", I think it most likely that Leonard Lloyd was killed on June 22nd during the relief of the 2/7th London Regiment, and Pte. Cook was killed on June 23rd when "Enemy sniping very heavy".
Both Leonard Lloyd and Jim Cook are buried in Croisilles Railway Cemetery.
1st South Staffs War Diary
21st June: The Battalion moved from Courcelles to billets in St. Leger and relieved the 5th London Rifle Brigade.
22nd June: The Battalion relieved the 2/7th London Regiment in front line. Quiet relief. Casualties; 1 Other Rank killed.
23rd June: Enemy sniping very heavy to begin with but reduced to practically nil. Front line trench dug through so that men could walk about in relative safety. Casualties; 1 Other Rank killed, 3 Other Rank wounded.
Newspaper Cuttings
Tipton Herald 21 July 1917
LLOYD - In loving memory of our dear son Leonard Lloyd, 1st South Staffords, who died in action on 24th June 1917, age 19.
Sadly mourned by father, mother, sisters and brothers. His memory is as fresh today as on the day he went away.
NB CWGC says age 18, but 19 in Death notice and 17 in October 1914 so appears to be 19 year old, and this confirms with Birth Registration.
Tipton Herald 28 July 1917
Joined Army at 17.
Private Leonard Lloyd of High Street, Tipton Green, was one of those patriotic young men who realised that there was a big war on directly it broke out, for although he only attained his 17th birthday in October 1914, he (the youngest son) joined up at once. After seeing a variety of service he was killed in action on June 24th this year, being only 19 years of age.
His two surviving brothers, who like himself were engaged in connection with their father's business, joined the Army in 1916, one being in France and the other in training.
The deceased young soldier first saw service in the Dardanelles, and proceeded to France in April of last year. As a result of the first named (ie Dardanelles) he was in hospital for six months for dysentery, and in France received treatment for a serious wound.
The parents received the following letter: "I am sorry to inform you that Leonard met his death on June 24th while proceeding to the trenches. He will be greatly missed by all the men in the company, for he was one of the best-liked lads we had got. It came as a very sad blow to me." The writer refers to the grave of the deceased and says that it would be well looked after.