Private 11231 Job Ernest Jones

Jones Job Ernest Death Penny
Photograph of Job Jones's Death Plaque courtesy of Colin Prosser.

Killed in Action on Sunday, 20th September 1914, age 21.
Commemorated on the La Ferte-Sous-Jouarre Memorial, Seine-Et-Marne, France.

2nd Bn., Worcestershire Regiment. 5th Brigade of 2nd Division.

Son of Martha Jane Jones, of 28, Turl Street, Sedgley, Staffs, and the late William Jones.
Born: Princes End, Enlisted: Dudley, Resident: Sedgley.

First landed France & Flanders, 12th August 1914.
Medal entitlement: 1914 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Soldier's Papers at National Archives did not survive.

Not commemorated on any Tipton memorial, but commemorated on the All Saints, Sedgley Memorial.
Commemorated here because identified as Tipton on 'Soldiers Died in the Great War'.

Link to Commonwealth War Graves Site:

Genealogical Data

Birth of Job Ernest Jones registered December quarter 1892 in Dudley.

1901 Census
40 High Street, Princes End, Tipton, Staffs.
William Jones (40, Colliery Sinker, born Brierley Hill), his wife Martha Jane (39, born Princes End), and their 6 children: James W. (15, Shoeing Smith's Assistant, born Princes End), Harriet N.S. (14, born Princes End), Ruth (12, born Princes End), Clara E. (10, born Princes End), Job Ernest (8, born Ocker Hill), and William (5, born Ocker Hill).

1911 Census
40 High Street, Princes End, Tipton, Staffs.
William Jones (50, Greengrocer, born Brierley Hill), his wife Martha Jane (49, Assistant to Greengrocer, born Princes End), and 6 of their 7 surviving children of 8: James W. (25, Pit Sinker, born Princes End), Harriet (24, Dressmaker, born Princes End), Ruth (22, Factory Hand, born Princes End), Clara Elizabeth (19, Factory Hand, born Princes End), William (15, Pit Lad, born Ocker Hill), and Rose Edith (8, School, born Princes End).

Personal Data

Job Jones joined the Worcesters in June 1908, previously being employed as a green-grocer. At the outbreak of war, he was still a regular soldier with the Worcesters. He landed in France with the 2nd Worcesters on 12th August 1914, making him one of the very first of the British Expeditionary Force to land in France, a real "Old Contemptible". He would have seen action at Mons, suffered in the Retreat from Mons, been in action at the Marne before his final action at the Battle of the Aisne.

After Job's death, his outstanding army pay and allowances amounted to £10/6/1d (10 pounds, 6 shillings and 1 penny); this was paid to his father, William, in January 1915. His War Gratuity was £5/0/0d (5 pounds exactly), this was paid to his mother, Martha Jane, in May 1919.

Action resulting in his death

The opening German advance through Belgium and France had been halted at the Battle of the Marne - "the Miracle of the Marne", on the 7th to 12th September 1914. The Germans then retreated until they re-formed on the heights of the northern slopes above the River Aisne. Here on the 14th September the Germans began to dig in, and even made counter-attacks; this can be considered the start of the Western Front trench systems.

The position stabilised for a few days, but further German attacks commenced on the 19th September with the Worcesters heavilly involved on the 20th September. At dawn on the 20th September the Germans began an artillery bombardment, and attacked into the heavily-wooded Tilleul Spur above the Aisne valley.

The following words are from Stacke's 'Worcestershire Regiment in the Great War':
"Into these woods 'A' and 'B' Companies of the 2nd Worcesters were sent to drive back the attacking enemy. The advance began about 11a.m. With great difficulty the two companies pushed through the dense woods, suffering many casualties from the enemy's fire. Beyond the wood they came upon a company of German infantry in position. The Worcstershire companies charged with the bayonet and drove the enemy from their trenches. Then, as they pressed on, disaster befell them. A strong force of enemy, well entrenched on the flank, opened a murderous fire as the Worcestershire platoons spread out over the open. The losses were heavy, all the officers of the two companies were shot down, and the remnants fell back. A tangled fight ensued in which the little force became hopelessly scattered in the dense wood. Eventually Captain C.E.L. Porter, wounded though he was, suceeded in collecting a remnant of the two companies, and established a position on the near edge of the wood, linking up with the 5th Brigade on the right and the 6th Brigade on the left."

On that day, the 20th September 1914, 2 officers and 34 men of the 2nd Worcesters lost their lives, including Job Jones. With the exception of one man (Pte Frank Pollard buried at Vendresse Cemetery), none have a known grave and are commemorated on the La Ferte-Sous-Jouarre Memorial to those lost in the Battles of Mons, Le Cateau, Marne and Aisne.

Newspaper Cuttings

Tipton Herald 31st October 1914
The sad news was received on Sunday last of the death in action of Private J.E. Jones, second son of Mr and Mrs William Jones, now of Sedgley (late of Princes End), a nephew of Councillor and Mrs J.T. Wainwright. The deceased soldier, a very bright and popular young man, was for many years with his family resident at Princes End, where his family is held in high esteem. He was in the 2nd Battalion Worcester Regiment, and completed six years service in June last.

Tipton Herald 18th September 1915
JONES: In loving memory of our dear brother Job Ernest who was killed in action on September 20th 1914 at the Battle of the Aisne.
"We count these things to be grandly done
A noble deed is a step towards God
Lifting the soul from the common clod
To a purer air and a broader view."
Jim & Gladys.

Tipton Herald September 22nd 1917
In memoriam
JONES - In loving memory of our dear brother, Job Ernest (late of Sedgley), who was killed in action on September 20th 1914 at the Battle of the Aisne. "In death a hero as in life a friend." Deeply mourned by Gladys and Will.
JONES - In unfading memory of our dear brother, Job Jones (Sedgley), whom God called from the battlefield on September 20th 1914.
"Oh, noble was our dear one's death,
His precious life he gave;
He faithfully did his duty,
His native land to save."
Sadly missed by Clara and David.
JONES - In loving memory of our dear son, Job Ernest, who fell in action September 20th 1914. We treasure his smile and think of his words. Father, mother, and Rose.
JONES - Sacred to the memory of my brother, who was killed in action at the Aisne battle, September 20th 1914. Missed and mourned by sister Hattie.
"Sleep on, dear brother, in a hero's grave,
Your life for your country you nobly gave,
No dear ones were near you to bid you farewell,
But safe in God's keeping we leave you to dwell."
JONES - In loving remembrance of dear brother Jack, who fell at the Aisne battle, 1914. His duty nobly done. Ruth and Will.

Tipton Herald September 21st 1918
In memoriam
JONES - Sacred to the memory of our dear brother, Job Ernest, who fell a hero at the Aisne battle, September 20th 1914.
"His cheerful smile and happy face
Are pleasant to recall
He had a kindly word for each
And died beloved by all."
Sadly missed by Ruth and Harry.
JONES - In fondest remembrance of my brother, Job, who was killed in action, 20th September 1914.
"Nobly he did his duty
Bravely he fought and fell;
But the sorrows of those that mourn him
Only aching hearts can tell."
Sadly missed by brother Will, now with the colours.
JONES - In loving memory of my dear brother, Job Ernest, who was the first Sedgley hero to fall at the battle of the Aisne, September 20th 1914.
"He left us with a smile and a grip of the hand,
He has left us now for a better land;
For him the war is over, the victory won,
And life - perfect life - has now begun."
Sadly missed and silently mourned by sister Hattie and Albert.
JONES - In tenderest memory of our beloved son, Job Ernest, whom God called from the field of battle, September 20th 1914.
" He answered his King and Country's call,
And gave his best, his life, his all.
Tears seem so vain, when his soul so bright
Has winged its way to the Gate of Light."
JONES - In honoured memory of our dear brother, whom God called from the battlefield, September 20th 1914.
"How we miss our loving brother,
How we long to see his face;
Empty is the home without him,
None on earth can fill his place.
Yet often when our hearts are sore,
We seem to hear him say
Grieve not for me, dear loved ones,
We shall meet again some day."
Silently mourned by Clara and David.
JONES - In proud and loving memory of our dear brother, Job Ernest, who made the great sacrifice, September 20th 1914, at the Aisne battle.
"Softly at night the stars are gleaming
Upon an unknown grave,
Where sleepeth without dreaming,
One we loved, but could not save."
Will and Gladys.