Private 12577 Walter Hughes
Killed in Action Gallipoli on Thursday, 6th May 1915, age 23.
Commemorated on Panel 104 to 113 of Helles Memorial, Turkey.
4th Bn., Worcestershire Regiment. 88th Brigade of 29th Division.
Son of Stephen and Louisa Hughes, of 29, Wood St., Tipton, Staffs.
Born: Tipton, Enlisted: Dudley, Resident: Tipton.
First landed Balkans, 25th April 1915.
Medal entitlement: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Soldier's Papers at National Archives did not survive.
Not commemorated on any Tipton memorial.
Commemorated here because identified as Tipton on 'Soldiers Died in the Great War'.
Link to Commonwealth War Graves Site:
Genealogical Data
1891 Census
53 Wood Street, Tipton, Staffs.
Stephen Hughes (23, Coal Miner, born Tipton), his wife Louisa Hughes (22, born Tipton), and their 2 children: Stephen (3, born Tipton), Thomas (1, born Tipton).
1901 Census……Census has surname Beasley, but I am convinced that this is an error and should say Hughes.
51 Wood Street, Tipton, Staffs.
Stephen Hughes (33, Furnace Labourer, born Tipton), his wife Louisa Hughes (32, born Tipton), and their 6 children: Stephen (12, born Tipton), Thomas (11, born Tipton), Walter (9, born Tipton), George (6, born Tipton), Agnes (3, born Tipton), Emmanuel (1, born Tipton).
1911 Census
29 Wood Street, Tipton, Staffs.
Stephen Hughes (43, Coal Miner, born Tipton), his wife L. Hughes (42, born Tipton), and their 9 surviving children of 13: T. (21, Son, Barrow Wheeler, born Tipton), W. (18, Son, Coal Miner, born Tipton), G. (16, Son born Tipton), Agnes (13, Daughter, born Tipton), E. (11, Son, born Tipton), N. (9, Daughter, born Tipton), W. (6, Son, born Tipton), G (5, Son, born Tipton), G. (1, Daughter, born Tipton).
Personal Data
Walter Hughes was a pre-war regular soldier, and was serving in India at the outbreak of war. Walter landed at Cape Helles with the 4th Worcesters on 25th April, taking part in the initial landing, the first Battle of Krithia, and was then killed during the second Battle of Krithia.
After Walter's death, his outstanding army pay and allowances amounted to £7/4/11d (7 pounds, 4 shillings and 11 pence); this was paid to his mother and sole legatee, Louisa, in October 1915. His War Gratuity was £5/0/0d (5 pounds exactly), this was also paid to his mother in August 1919. Walter was already a serving soldier when war was declared.
In March 1919 Walter's mother, Mrs Louisa Hughes, applied for a pension in respect of her son. She was awarded a pension of 5/0d (5 shillings) pre week effecive from 6th November 1918.
Walter's brother, George, also died during the Great War. Able-Seaman George Hughes, Royal Navy, died on 24th July 1918 from influenza. He had been serving on H.M.S. Nugent.
Action resulting in his death
The 4th Worcesters landed at Cape Helles on 25th April 1915, and forced a bridge-head inland from "V" beach. The move inland continued on 28th April with the First Battle of Krithia where initial small gains were unable to be held because of lack of success on their flanks. A general advance across the Helles peninsula was made on 6th May with the Second Battle of Krithia which lasted until the 8th May. On the 6th May a small gain of about 500 yards was made with the capture of a small ridge, still a mile short of the village of Krithia. 17 men of the 4th Worcesters were killed on that day including Walter Hughes; like most of these men Walter has no known grave and is commemorated on the Helles Memorial.
Newspaper Cuttings
Tipton Herald 5th June 1915
An intimation from the War Office has been received by the parents of Lance-Corporal Walter Hughes, aged 23, of the 4th Worcesters, that their son has been killed in action with the Mediterranian Expeditionary Force, on May 15th (actually 6th). The deceased, who formerly worked at the Furnaces, lived in Wood Street.
Tipton Herald 19th June 1915
Lance Corporal Walter Hughes, of 4th Worcesters, (a son of Stephen Hughes, a Collier of Wood Street), who was with the Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, was killed in action on May 15th. As a youth he had worked at the Tipton Furnaces. He was 23 years of age, and first joined a Reserve Battalion nearly four years ago. He came back from India at the end of last year,and was home for three days' leave. He was then sent to the front at once, and was there until he was killed.
About the same time as the unfortunate young soldier's death, the parents received the following letter from him, dated May 1st:- "Just to let you know I am alive and kicking. I am enjoying the best of health, and I hope this will find you the same. We had a hearty reception on 25th March, as that was the day we landed in Turkey, and it was not long before we had them on the trot (actually the 4th Worcesters landed at Cape Helles on 25th April - Editor). About three days after we had another battle which lasted a day and a night. Since then we have been having a quiet time. I am very glad to tell you that all the Tipton boys seem to be going on all right. Please send a packet of writing paper." The deceased asked to be remembered to all his relatives, and in his letter there occurs the phrase "dear mother" several times, showing that his thoughts on the battlefield were more with his mother.
Deceased's eldest brother, Thomas, who was an erector at Messrs. Bullers Ltd., joined the South Staffords last September. George, the third son of Mr & Mrs Stephen Hughes, is in Navy, being a cook on H.M.S. Argyle.
Tipton Herald 26th June 1915
Mr S. Kelsall, Headmaster of St. Paul's (Wood Street) National School, Tipton, has received numerous letters from old scholars of the school who are serving in His Majesty's Forces. The three following should be of special interest.
The following letter was received from the late Lance-Corporal Walter Hughes:-
Dear Sir, I suppose you thought I had forgotten you as I had not written before, but time is not our own now, so you must excuse me keeping you so long.
I should like to tell you all about our journey and what we are about to do, but Army regulations won't allow me to, so you will have to be content with this. I suppose you will be able to read in the newspapers about our operations by the time you get my letter, and then you will be able to see what country we are fighting.
I am quite surprised to find so many in our Battalion coming from Tipton, and many who used to come from your school. I had quite forgotten some of them until I heard them talking, and then I knew who they were.
I think I shall be able to tell you more in my next letter, as I had to hurry along to catch the mail, hoping you will kindly rememeber me to Mrs White and all the other teachers and scholars. I remain your old pupil.
No second letter came as the poor fellow was killed on 15th May, just a month from the date of this letter.