Driver 830629 William Thomas Hogan, MM
Died of Wounds on Thursday, 21st March 1918, age 41.
Commemorated on Panel 7 to 10 of Pozieres Memorial, Somme, France.
Royal Field Artillery, 33rd Brigade.
Formerly 2536 Royal Field Artillery.
Son of the late Thomas and Bridget Hogan; husband of Florence Gertrude Hogan, of 12, Habberley St., Kidderminster, Worcs.
Born: Worcester, Enlisted: Kidderminster, Resident: Unknown.
First landed France & Flanders, 31st March 1915.
Medal entitlement: Military Medal, 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Soldier's Papers at National Archives did not survive.
Commemorated on the Tipton Library Memorial.
Commemorated here because he appears on a Tipton memorial.
Link to Commonwealth War Graves Site:
Genealogical Data
Birth of William Thomas Hogan registered September quarter 1876 in Kidderminster.
1901 Census
11 Waterloo Street, Kidderminster, Worcs.
Bridget Hogan (45, Widow, Rug Weaver, born Ireland), and her 3 children: William (24, Carpet Packer, born Kidderminster), Mary A. (22, Wool Winder, born Kidderminster), and Ellen (18, Carpet Finisher, born Kidderminster).
Marriage of William Thomas Hogan and Florence Gertrude Cooke registered September quarter 1905 in Kidderminster.
1911 Census
12 Villers Street, Kidderminster, Worcs.
William Thomas Hogan (32, Postman, born Kidderminster), his wife Florence Gertrude (29, born Kidderminster), and their 1 child: Vera Gertrude (1, born Kidderminster).
Personal Data
Tipton Library Memorial commemorates W.T. Hogan; the 'Staffordshire Roll of Honour' shows him as a Driver in the R.F.A. This is without doubt the correct man, but his connection to Tipton is slight and it is likely he never lived there. His Soldier's Papers show that on 3rd December 1918 his wife's address was 28 Wellington Road, Tipton, but this was only temporary.
On 17th December 1918 his wife Florence wrote from 12 Habberley Street, Kidderminster: "Dear Sir, I should like my husband's Military Medal presented to me at a military parade. Please note my change of address, I was only boarding at Tipton. Now munitions are no longer needed, I have come back to my home address at Kidderminster. Yours Faithfully, Mrs Florence G. Hogan."
William attested on 21st September 1914 at Kidderminster with the 2nd South Midlands Brigade of the Royal Field Artillery which was a Territorial unit, just 2 days later William signed to agree to serve overseas. William said that he was 34 years and 1 month of age, he was either mistaken or telling an untruth as he was born in 1876 and so either 37 or 38 years of age, and was actually 41 years of age when he died.
William was 5 feet 6 inches tall, had a 34-inch chest, satisfactory physical development and good vision; he was employed as a carpet weaver at Cooke Brothers. He lived at 12 Habberley Street, Kidderminster with his wife Florence Gertrude and their 2 children, Vera born 13th March 1910, and Arthur born 3rd March 1914.
The 2nd South Midlands Brigade, as part of 48th (South Midland) Division, embarked from Southampton on 30th March 1915 and landed at Le Havre on the next day. They were involved at Bazentin Ridge and Pozieres as part of the July 1916 Somme battles, until William was injured in late July. His Commanding Officer wrote "This man was injured on the 28th of July at Hédauville whilst performing his duties as a Stableman, and he was in no way to blame." He was treated at the 2nd West Riding Field Ambulance on 29th July where it was recorded that he had received an injury to the right kidney, by the kick of a horse.
This must have been a serious injury as he was moved back through the casualty clearing chain until he was transported back to England on 9th August, aboard the Hospital Ship 'Dieppe'. His treatment was significant as he spent 2 months in the Kitchener General Indian Hospital in Brighton, then a further month in hospital in Eastbourne, probably some time at home on leave (maybe Tipton) before 6 weeks in the Convalescent Hospital again in Eastbourne. He was 'discharged to duty' on 20th February 1917, but it was 1st September 1917 at Burford Camp before he was 'authorised to proceed overseas'. We do not know when he actually returned to France, but he was posted to HQ of 33rd Brigade, RFA, on 2nd March 1918 - his old unit has been moved to Italy in November 1917.
On 3rd September 1918, William's widow, Florence, was awarded a pension of 25 shillings and 5 pence per week for herself and their 2 children. In December 1918 she was to receive his outstanding army pay and allowances of £11/17/10d (11 pounds, 17 shillings and 10 pence), and then finally his War Gratuity of £16/10/0d was paid to Florence in two parts in November 1918 and January 1919.
After William's death, his outstanding army pay and allowances amounted to £11/17/10d (11 pounds, 17 shillings and 10 pence); this was paid to his widow, Florence G., in December 1918. His War Gratuity was £16/10/0d (16 pounds and 10 shillings), this was also paid to Florence, in two parts in November 1919 and January 1920. The value of the War Gratuity suggests that William had enlisted in September 1914.
Action resulting in his death
William died at the 32nd Casualty Clearing Station on 21st March 1918, the opening day of the German 'Spring Offensive'. As this was some distance behind the front line and he died of wounds, he may well have been wounded before this date.
His Soldier's Papers record that he was suffering from GSW (Gun Shot Wounds) received in action, affecting the right testicle and right groin. The 32nd Casualty Clearing Station was probably at Namps, near Amiens, and as they were generally well behind the line then it would be usual to be buried in an adjacent cemetery. It is possible that the general retreat which followed the German offensive of 21st March 1918 made this impossible.
William's Military Medal would have been won around that time as it was authorised in the 'Corps Routine Orders' of 30th April 1918, and appeared in the London Gazette of 26th August 1918.
William has no known grave and is commemorated on the Pozieres Memorial.
Newspaper Cuttings
Birmingham Daily Post 22nd April 1918
Died of Wounds.
R.F.A.- Hogan, 830629, Dvr, W.T., (Tipton).