Private 19880 Vivian Downes
Died Home on Monday, 24th February 1919, age 25.
Buried in Grave A. 10. at Tipton Cemetery, Staffordshire, United Kingdom.
11th Bn., Royal Fusiliers. 54th Brigade of 18th Division.
Son of the late Thomas Downes and Julia Downes. Born at Tipton.
Born: Tipton, Enlisted: Unknown, Resident: Tipton.
First landed France & Flanders, post 31st December 1915.
Medal entitlement: British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Soldier's Papers at National Archives did not survive.
Not commemorated on any Tipton memorial.
Commemorated here because identified as Tipton on 'Soldiers Died in the Great War'.
Link to Commonwealth War Graves Site:
Genealogical Data
1871 Census
3 Owen Street, Tipton, Staffs.
Thomas Downes (63, Tailor - Master with 10 men, born Ludlow), his wife Elizabeth (51, born Dudley), and their 3 children: Edward (20, Clerk, born Dudley), Jane (18, born Dudley), and Elizabeth (15, born Dudley).
1881 Census
3 Owen Street, Tipton, Staffs.
Mary E. Downes (62, Widow, born Dudley), and her 4 children: Thomas (age 33, Vivian's father, Tailor - Master employing 4 men, born Tipton), George (30, Tailor - Master employing 4 men, born Tipton), Sara J. Davis (28, born Tipton) plus her 9-month old son Thomas, and Mary E. (25, born Tipton).
1891 Census
7 & 8 Owen Street, Tipton, Staffs.
Mary Elizabeth Downes (71, Widow, Living on own means, born Dudley), and her 3 children: Thomas (43, Single, Scenic Artist, born Tipton), George Edward (40, Single, Living on own means, born Tipton), and Mary E. Dawson (35, Living on own means, born Tipton) plus Mary's 2 children. Also 2 servants.
Marriage of Thomas Downes and Julia Baugh registered June quarter 1891 in Madeley.
Birth of Vivian Downes registered December quarter 1893 in Dudley.
Death of Julia Downes, age 36, registered December quarter 1893 in Dudley.
Death of Thomas Downes, age 49, registered December quarter 1896 in Dudley.
1901 Census
68 Dudley Road, Tipton, Staffs.
George Edward Downes (50, Single, Living on own means, born Tipton), his orphaned nephew Vivian Downes (7, born Tipton), his nephew Thomas Clifton Davies (20, Butcher, born Tipton), and his widowed sister Mary Elizabeth Dawson (44, Living on own means, born Tipton) plus Mary's daughter: Gladys M. Dawson (14, born Tipton).
1911 Census
46 Dudley Road, Tipton, Staffs.
George Edward Downes (60, Single, Gentleman, born Tipton), Mary Elizabeth Dawson (55, Widowed sister, Private means, born Tipton), Thomas Clifton Davies (20, Nephew, Butcher, born Tipton), Gladys Mary Gwendolyn Dawson (24, Niece, Private means , born Tipton), Vivian Downes (17, Nephew, Private Means, born Tipton). Also 2 servants.
Personal Data
Vivian came from a relatively prosperous background, the family's 'independent means' seemingly from his grandfather's tailoring business in Owen Street. His father Thomas was described in 1891 as a 'Scenic Artist', possibly a sculptor, but no trace can be found of any of his works. Thomas married Julia in 1891, Vivian was born in 1893 with his mother dying in or shortly his birth, and his father dying just 2 years later.
Vivian was not thought to have a "physique robust enough for a soldier", but by 1916 he was serving at the front with the 8th Royal Fusiliers. As part of 12th (Eastern) Division, they played a significant part in the Battle of the Somme, including action at Ovillers, Pozieres, and Le Transloy.
After Vivian's death, his outstanding army pay and allowances amounted to £6/19/4d (6 pound, 19 shillings and 4 pence); this was paid to Sarah J. Davis (his aunt) and Gladys M. Rubery (his cousin) in March 1920. His War Gratuity was £18/0/0d (18 pounds exactly), this was paid to the same 2 people, in March 1920. The value of the War Gratuity suggests that Vivian had enlisted in approximately May 1915.
No pension is recorded to have been granted in repect of Vivian Downes. This would be because he was unmarried, and as both parents had died no-one was considered to be a Dependent.
Action resulting in his death
For the entire duration of his service, Vivian Downes served with the Royal Fusilers. After landing in France, he was posted to the 8th Battalion on 8th March 1916; he served with them through to 4th February 1918 when the 8th Batallion was disbanded. He was then transferred to the 7th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers (7/RF). Their War Diary for 4th February 1918 reports "6 officers and 180 Other Ranks joined from 8th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers".
On March 8th, the 7/RF relieved the 28th London (Artist’s Rifles) in the front line at Ribecourt, the relief was complete by 11pm. An enemy attack was expected any day, and in subsequent days shelling was noted as “greatly increased”, and on March 11th this was noted as “gas shelling”.
On March 12th, 7/RF were relieved from the front line; their War Diary records: “Very heavy gas bombardment along the front and back areas. Several casualties. Over 8,000 shells reported to have been fired on Trescault. Relief parties delayed. On completion of relief, battalion moved back via Trescault to Havrincourt Wood. Gas masks had to be worn all the way owing to heavy gas bombardment by enemy”.
On the next day, March 13th, their War Diary recorded that large numbers of officers and men were found to be suffering from the effects of gas and were evacuated to hospital.
The Hospital Admission Register for 149 Field Ambulance, 63 (Royal Naval) Division, records over 500 admissions on 12th and 13th March. Nearly all were categorised "Gassed - Shell", approximately 250 of these were 7/RF, including Vivian Downes. These casualties were almost immediately moved on to a Casualty Clearing Station, which may have been 48 CCS at Etricourt / Ytres railway sidings.
We do not know for certain, but as Vivian's time with the 7/RF is shown as ending on March 27th, it is possible that he was evacuated back to the UK on that date. We do not know his subsequent service, but as the only further service noted is with the 11th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers from November 11th to November 11th 1918 (surely a mistake), then it is possible that he never returned to his unit. It is therefore the 11th Battalion, Royal Fusiliers which the CWGC shows as Vivian's unit.
Vivian Downes died in Tipton on 24th February 1919, he was still a serving soldier not having been discharged. His death certificate says his cause of death was "Influenza and Broncho-pneumonia", it is possibe that his lungs were already damaged by gas, and he was more susceptible to these conditions.
Vivian was buried in Tipton Cemetery. He has a private grave memorial, but in 2001 the CWGC added a 'Gallipolli style' grave marker in front of his private grave memorial.
Newspaper Cuttings
Tipton Herald 12th August 1916
Mr Vivian Downes, who was for some time a pupil in the office of the Tipton Surveyor, joined the Army in 1915. No-one considered his physique robust enough for a soldier, while all felt that his courage in joining the Army was very commendable. When he was examined by the military doctor in camp, he was rejected as far as foreign service was concerned, and he was sent to another centre. And now I learn that he has for several months been at the front. All who knew him will fervently wish him a safe return to Tipton.