Serjeant 240287 Walter Brooks
Killed in Action on Sunday, 31st March 1918, age unknown.
Commemorated on Panel 18 and 19 of Pozieres Memorial, Somme, France.
1st/6th Bn., Royal Warwickshire Regiment. 143rd Brigade of 48th Division.
Formerly 2621 1/6th Royal Warwickshire Regiment.
Husband of Mrs Lily Wright (formerly Brooks, nee Slimm) of 180 Little Green Road, Small Heath, Birmingham.
Born: Tipton, Enlisted: Birmingham, Resident: Bordesley Green.
First landed France & Flanders, post 31st December 1915.
Medal entitlement: British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Soldier's Papers at National Archives did not survive.
Not commemorated on any Tipton memorial, but commemorated on the Birmingham Roll of Honour.
Commemorated here because identified as Tipton on 'Soldiers Died in the Great War'.
Link to Commonwealth War Graves Site:
Genealogical Data
The census information is not confirmed, but does fit the known facts.
1901 Census
15 Blake Lane, Blake Place, Aston, Birmingham.
George Brooks (27, Labourer in Brickyard, born Tipton), his wfe Eliza (26, born Birmingham), and their 2 children: Walter (5, born Tipton), and Florrie (3, born Birmingham).
1911 Census
2 Vine Cottages, Byfield Passage, Aston, Birmingham.
George Brooks (37, Brickyard Labourer, born Tipton), his wfe Eliza (35, born Hockley), and their 5 surviving children of 6: Walter (15, Errand Boy, born Tipton), Florrie (12, born Small Heath), George (9, born Small Heath), Elsie (7, born Small Heath), and Albert (4, born Small Heath).
Marriage of Walter Brooks and Lily Slimm registered March quarter 1918 at Aston.
Personal Data
After Walter's death, his outstanding army pay and allowances amounted to £22/6/10d (22 pounds, 6 shillings and 10 pence); this was paid to his widow, Lily, in June 1918. His War Gratuity was £20/0/0d (20 pounds exactly), this was also paid to Lily in December 1919, by this time she had re-married and was Mrs Lily Wright. The value of the War Gratuity suggests that Walter had enlisted in August 1914.
Walter's widow, Lily, received a Grant of £5 on 17th April 1918. She was then awarded a Widow's Pension of £0/16/3d (16 shillings and 3 pence) per week, effective from 25th September 1918. Lily married William H. Wright in September quarter 1919 and they went to have 5 children. Her Widow's Pension would have ceased on re-marriage but she would have been compensated by the payment of a lump sum, usually the equivalent to a year's pension payments.
Action resulting in his death
Attached to Fifth Army Scouting Observation and Sniping School.
The 1/6th Royal Warwicks as part of 143rd Brigade of 48th Division had been sent to Italy in November 1917, and remained there until the end of the war. Sgt Brookes was therefore permanently with the Scouting, Observation and Sniping School, presumably as an instructor. School was at Marieux, 20 miles SW of Arras.
Newspaper Cuttings