Private 38523 Elijah Bragginton

Braggington Elijah 96 382x600 Bragginton Elijah 96 435x600

Died of Wounds on Thursday, 24th October 1918, age 23.
Buried in Grave D. 14. at Denain Communal Cemetery, Nord, France.

1st Bn., Hampshire Regiment. 11th Brigade of 4th Division.
Formerly 16228 8th Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry.

Son of Mr and Mrs Bragginton, of 403, Whitehall Rd., Great Bridge, Tipton, Staffs.
Born: St. Peter's, West Bromwich, Enlisted: West Bromwich, Resident: Unknown.

First landed France & Flanders, 22nd September 1915.
Medal entitlement: 1914-15 Star, British War Medal, Victory Medal.
Soldier's Papers at National Archives did not survive.

Commemorated on the Salem Chapel, and St. Peter's, Greets Green memorials.
Commemorated here because identified as Tipton on Commonwealth War Graves site.

Link to Commonwealth War Graves Site:

Genealogical Data

1901 Census
3 Farley Street, St. Peter's, West Bromwich, Staffs.
William Bragginton (30, Shingler in Iron Works, born Walsall), his wife Sarah Jane (28, born West Bromwich), and their 4 children: Eliza (7, born West Bromwich), Elijah (5, born West Bromwich), Sarah (3, born West Bromwich), Amelia (1, born West Bromwich).

1911 Census
403 Whitehall Road, Great Bridge, Tipton, Staffs.
William Bragginton (43, Shingler in Iron Works, born Walsall), his wife Sarah Jane (39, born West Bromwich), and 5 of their surviving 7 children of 13: Elijah (15, Apprentice Iron Caster, born West Bromwich), Sarah (13, School, born West Bromwich), Amelia (11, School, born West Bromwich), Harry (8, School, born West Bromwich), and William (1, born West Bromwich).

Personal Data

After Elijah's death, his outstanding army pay and allowances amounted to £15/2/8d (15 pounds, 2 shillings and 8 pence); this was paid to his father, William, in April 1919. His War Gratuity was £19/0/0d (19 pounds exactly), this was also paid to his father in December 1919. The value of the War Gratuity suggests that Elijah had enlisted in approximately September 1914.

Elijah's mother, Mrs Sarah Jane Braggington, was awarded a Dependant's Pension of 12/6d (12 shillings and 6 pence) per week, effecive from 13th May 1919.

Action resulting in his death

The 1st Hampshires were part of 11th Brigade in 4th Division. From 17th-25th October 1918 they were in 1st Army, taking part in the Battle of the Selle. September 1918 had seen the Germans forced out of the Hindenburg Line and taking a new defensive line along the River Selle, close to Le Cateau. The Battle of the Selle was to force them back from this position.

By the evening of 19 October the First Army (Horne) had fought its way into a position where it could take part in an attack north of Le Cateau. Early on the morning of 20th October the First and Third Armies attacked north of Le Cateau. By the end of the day they had advanced two miles. Early on 23rd October Haig launched a night attack with all three of his British armies, the First, Second and Fourth. This time the British advanced six miles in two days.

On the 24th October, the 4th Division was to push north east from the River Selle. The 1st Hampshires met resistance at Monchaux, but a captured German officer was persuaded to surrender Monchaux and its garrison of 100 men. During the day the 4th Division had suffered about 500 casualties, but captured 900 German prisoners.

It is not known if Elijah Bragginton was killed in action on the 24th October, or died from wounds received on that or an earlier date. Elijah Bragginton is buried in Denain Communal Cemetery, about 5 miles to the north west of Monchaux.

Newspaper Cuttings

Midland Chronicle, December 6th 1918
News has been received of the death in action on October 24th, of Pte. E. Braggington, of the Hants Regiment, who before becoming a soldier lived with his parents at 403 Whitehall Road, Great Bridge, and was employed with Messrs. Muntz Ltd. He joined the Army in September 1914, and went to France in September 1915. After four months he was drafted to Salonica, where he was wounded in the thigh. After a period at Malta, he was removed to a London hospital and afterwards to the West Bromwich Hospital. He went back to France in April last.
A chum writing to his sister states that he was acting as a stretcher bearer, and as he was going to the assistance of a wounded man a shell came over and killed him instantaneously. He also pays a tribute to his fearlessness, and adds that he saw him buried in a nice grave with his name placed over it.